To create a Company/Contact folder

Click on the Filing System button Filing system buttonon the TCM taskbar. In the filing tree Choose where you want the Company/Family Folder to appear in the filing tree and then click on the button for the correct folder type you require from the toolbar. The Company/Family details will appear.

Company folder button Company Folder

Family folder buttonFamily Folder

To enter a new contact, click on the one of the white boxes that shows 'New Contact'. The 'details' box will now change to let you enter the contact's details. When you have finished entering all the details click on the 'OK' button. Although there are only 3 'New Contact' boxes on the initial details screen, more New Contacts can be added by bringing the company/family folder details on screen again. You will see that there are now another 3 spaces to add new contacts.

New Company / Family details

Fill in the spaces provided with the Company/Family Details

Click the Add numbers buttonbutton to enter Phone, Fax numbers and E-mail addresses

When you are finished click on the OK button.

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[Single Contact folder] [Making/Receiving telephone calls]
[Reschedule a call back] [New Contact (Call Screen)] [Relocating a contact]
[Add Contact to existing company] [Search] [Diary Event]